Sunday, November 8, 2009

My interpretation of Henri Matisse painting " Dance " Who are you going to be THE NEXT TIME AROUND??

The top picture is of Henri Matisse's painting DANCE. It has been one of my favorite paintings and when I came across a needlepoint book "MUSEUM MASTERPIECES IN NEEDLEPOINT by Brande Ormond I did DANCE in counted cross stitch.
But I had my own idea of how the women would look, so I took a little liberty in the hues and shades of the women. I think that it made it more interesting. Hope Henri won't mind.
So now for many years I have been thinking about going the next step and doing them as Art Figures. They have been dancing in the back of my mind for a long . Till I meet Janice Anderson, a fellow artist . Her Art Figures are so strong! From her I have seen what can be done .

No matter how hard I tried to get the blond figure to look more like the original movment in the painting, she would not cooperate.